Friday, May 28, 2010

a toast worth a boast

 To the ones I hold dear in my heart. soul. and mind
There is nothing I enjoy more in life than the company of those special few.
That special group of people in your life who understand your quirks and charms.
There is never judgement. Occasionally there may be a disapproving stare, but always with support
When you share a language, complete with code names/secret signals that no one else understands
You can't stay angry.upset with them for too long because you know their friendship is worth it
The best nights are inside with bad food, even worse movies and cringe-worthy moments
You know that you will never be able to replace any of them. ever
There is never a feeling of needing to impress them.
The ones that get all your "jokes".
Where more is always more.

thanku my lovelies.
you know who
you are


Supervillain said...


Ling said...

who said it was for you? :S

Supervillain said...

I could just tell ;D hurhur