Wednesday, April 01, 2009

the most beautiful one is off the market.

yes its true guys. married.... and .. wait for it.. *dramatic pause
is having a child =O... well his wife is the pregnant one... but HOW DARE HE!?! How dare he do this to me =O...

I found out a few weeks ago... but still the hole in my heart is stinging...
honestly... his beauty should stop at him. HIS BEAUTIFUL BLOOD/GENES ARE BEEN DIRTIED!? *faints

well technically his wife is quite pretty.. but that is not the point... i is a mad fangirl....
But its okay I've always got Tidus/Hideaki... *strokes =]

lul. im a loser. Anyway life has been pretty catch-up with friends/work/uni....
I also have a RM assignment due on Friday... HURRAY =D... I should probably hurry that along =[Cannot wait for this Easter break... where I can hopefully catch up on all my crap =[
ayye *sigh

KK... time for Assignmenting =D
night all


Ruionkoh said...

hey zhang thanks alot for ur support i do need it very much.
anyway do check back my blog alright.


take care yo!

Ling said...

besterd... lol