Thursday, November 06, 2008


People who have been around me for the last few months may have noticed my interest in the current American politics. Oh what a rollercoaster it has been. I congratulate Obama and his party on a fantastic win and McCain for such a gracious concession speech *hats off*. Lets for the sake of women around the world, hope that Sarah Palin shuts up so she stops saying things to make us cringe. 

They are both in my opinion, men to be respected in their own rights. But what really is the difference between these two men? Do people really care about Obama's campaign, besides the fact that he is African-American?.... 

*Essentially McCain was a POW, and seen to Americans as on the highest level sacrificing himself for the country. However you could say the same for Obama, as the first ever African-American president he is makes a prime target for white supremacist groups.

*McCain promised to make Bush's temporary tax cuts to the wealthiest permanent. Further tax cuts were promised to other citizens, but this would deepen the nation's deficit. This would restrict the government's spending by a estimated $595 billion over 10 years.

*Under Palin's ever so wonderful view, abortion would be illegal. In her eyes, there is NO exceptions-this includes rape and incest. YAY! >> Most likely under Obama, there would be no changes.

*Whilst Obama was encouraging as many people as possible to vote, McCain was trying to prevent new voters, saying Obama's party was "stealing votes"

*Probably the biggest disagreement is the fact that Barack would like to see the US troops out of Iraq ASAP. While famously, McCain has claimed they will stay there for a 100 years if necessary 

*As a POW, McCain you would think would take care of his fellow veterans, this is not the case. Obama has outlined ways to combat homeless veterans of war and increasing care for those injured. McCain has repeatedly voted against health-care funding for veterans in 03, 04, 05, 06 and 07.

*McCain is a major supporter for nuclear power. Obama wants America to start using more renewable energy such as solar power.

 ... wow. how very unbiased of me .lul.
Times are changing, and maybe a is the change in American politics are needed to rebuild itself in a time of financial and social crisis. I'm sure I am not alone saying that it will be an amazing time for America, not just America but the world. After George Bush, its nice to see a leader that is charismatic, intelligent, genuine and passionate. Watching his speeches, inspires me and I'm not even American, so I can only imagine what it does for the American citizens. That is the type of leader needed in America now, motivational and dedicated. Promises of hope and a better future are likely to fair better than Bush's overdue "fear" attacks. In times of chaos and ruckus I believe Obama may be just the change needed. I'll leave you with a quote from Barack, which I think sums up his campaign very well....

"In the end, what is this election about? Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?"
Barack Obama

okay back to studying 


Ruionkoh said...

woohooo cuzie,
great!we r on the same boat ^^
lets sail out together with obama!

by the way i have blogged about it too ^^

take care!

Supervillain said...

Agreed. GO OBAMA X3
This is going to sound dumb, but hot-damn! We're alive to see the first black president of the USofA hahaha XD